IL MONFERRATO DI MONDO: UN MONDO DI ECCELLENZE Monferrato casalese area and the Po Plain area
Itineraries   ** Section in update **

* * Castles that joined the event "Castelli Aperti"

Castello di Razzano di Alfiano Natta

Castello di Razzano di Alfiano Natta

Il castello di Razzano (dimora gentilizia) sarebbe stato costruito nel 1697 da Giovan Battista Gaetano Natta, comandante del reggimento di fanteria "Royal Monferrat", al servizio del re di Francia Luigi XIV.  Nei sotterranei del Castello, invecchiano i pregiati vini mentre all'interno della corte ha sede il Museo ArteVino Razzano, esposizione artistica.
Per maggiori visita il sito Castelli Aperti - Castello di Razzano (fonte per testo e foto)

Gabiano Castle

Gabiano Castle

One of the most ancient and largest castles in the Monferrato area, it boasts more than a century of history.
The maze in the park is an historical monument and a rare example within Piedmont historical gardens.

Sannazzaro Castle in Giarole

Sannazzaro Castle in Giarole

The origin of the castle dates back to the end of 1200 and the beginning of 1300, according to some documents; it became a country-residence in the XVIII century.

The XIX century English garden includes centennial trees.

More information on the website Castelli Aperti - Castello Sannazzaro

Ph. credit ATL Alexala

Uviglie Castle in Rosignano Monferrato

Uviglie Castle in Rosignano Monferrato

The castle was built between 1239 and 1271 and was a noble residence from the XVI Century. It offers wide frescoed halls on the ground floor while the historic cellars show the winegrowing tradition.
The centennial old park is one of Piedmont historic gardens.
For more information please visit the website Castelli Aperti - Castello di Uviglie
Ph. credit ATL Alexala

Castello di Moncalvo (torrione e camminamenti)

Castello di Moncalvo (torrione e camminamenti)

Sul lato della città verso Casale Monferrato si possono ammirare le alte mura trecentesche dell'antica fortezza abbattuta nel XIX secolo, dalle quali sporgono massicci e tondeggianti torrioni e poderosi contrafforti.
I camminamenti sono ancora praticabili e dalla cima della torretta di guardia si gode un vasto panorama su tutto il basso Monferrato.

Torre dei Segnali a Viarigi

Torre dei Segnali a Viarigi

La Torre dei segnali è una costruzione in mattoni alta 25 m. e suddivisa in cinque piani. Presenta finestre monofore, una cornice sommitale di tre ordini di archetti pensili e una merlatura a coda di rondine. Ha una copertura con terrazzo praticabile e al suo interno caratteristiche volte a botte e a vela. A lato, il fabbricato del corpo di guardia.
Per maggiori visita il sito Castelli Aperti - Torre dei Segnali (fonte per testo e foto)

Othe Castles in the Monferrato Casalese area

Monferrato Castle in Casale

Monferrato Castle in Casale

Giovanni II Paleologo, Marquis of Monferrato, ordered to build the current castle and the work continued till 1357. When Giovanni II Paleologo died, the Gonzaga of Mantova took charge of Casale. Because of the new military techniques the castle was reinforced. They strengthened the walls and the plan form was modified, becoming hexagonal (we can still see it). With the crisis of the Gonzala's dynasty, the castle was about to face an unstoppable decline. The city fell into Savoy's hands in 1708 and the castle became a barracks.

Nowadays it is a location for events and temporary exhibitions. 

(English text:

Castle of Camino

Castle of Camino

The Castle is in a strategic location on the Monferrato hills.

Its origin dates back to the XI century.

Even if it has been rework in the following centuries, it remains one of the most important castle in the province of Alessandria.

Castle in Frassinello Monferrato

Castle in Frassinello Monferrato

Not many proofs of the medieval times are left  in the architectural structure of the castle nowadays.
The castle has two mail halls, including the Honor Hall.
A centennial mulberry, palm trees and an Italian garden are in the outdoor park.

Castle in San Giorgio Monferrato

Castle in San Giorgio Monferrato

The IX century square tower is the ancient part of the castle.
The building was subjected to a radical restoration in the XVIII century, that gave the castle the neo-Gothic style of nowadays.
A beautiful Baroque staircase leads to the Italian garden.