IL MONFERRATO DI MONDO: UN MONDO DI ECCELLENZE Monferrato casalese area and the Po Plain area
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Waiting for the verdict on the Italian Capital of Culture 2020, Casale Monferrato welcomes visitors during the next weeks with great opportunities for cultural tourism. Until February 28 it will be possible to visit the Civic Museum and the Gipsoteca Bistolfi through a free entrance, to celebrate the entry among the ten finalist cities that will compete for the 2020 recognition.

Other attractions of the moment? Theatrical seasons, new art exhibitions in various locations of the territory, meetings, workshops and music, thanks to the event "All that Jazz" on Saturday 27 January at the Palazzo Vitta in Casale Monferrato. In Monferrato is growing the euphoria and desire for Carnival with the entry into the preparations of the parades in the coming weeks.