IL MONFERRATO DI MONDO: UN MONDO DI ECCELLENZE Monferrato casalese area and the Po Plain area
Focus on

Events in Monferrato in the next days



Among cinemas, readings, music, tastings and goliardic competitions on the Po river the City of Casale Monferrato lives a summer full of opportunities. On Fridays, July 13th and 20th, the Castello del Monferrato hosts musical performances and tastings thanks to "Castle of Rock ... and more!", which offers live performances and glasses of wine.


From Saturday 14th to Saturday 21st of July arrives in Casale Monferrato, at the Castle Chapel, from 9 to 11.30 pm, the 16th MonFilmFest with the "Cinema without Frontiers" Games (award ceremony scheduled for July 21st at the Salone Tartara).


On Sunday, July 15th, all aboard the river Po for the unmissable event "Galleggia non galleggia", a fun water carnival with the construction of makeshift boats with cardboard and scotch for packaging (pre-registration and info on www.amicidelpocasale). it) with which the participants will try, from 2 pm, the descent on the great river between laughter and applause and under the eyes of a special jury.


For lovers of readings, the Library of Girls and Boys Luzzati, inside the Castle of Casale Monferrato, offers cycles of stories on Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th(at 5 pm) while on Friday 13th, at the wharf of Viale Lungo Po Gramsci , it will be possible to listen to the "Stories by the river" before making an excursion on the “barcè”of the Friends of the Po.


On Wednesday 18th July (at 6 pm) the Civic Library will host the meeting with Beppe Giuliano Monighini, author of "Correndo a vuoto", on the topic of editorial crowdfunding.





Art, music, dance and festivals animate the summer of the villages of Monferrato.


In Brusaschetto (Camino), the Circolo Anspi Brusaschetto Insieme organizes a musical festival: on Saturday 14th July with "AMALO - Tribute to Renato Zero ", on Saturday 21st July with Quintetto Nigra, and on Saturday 28thJuly with" The Great American Songbook ", the concert of the Sonia Schiavone Jazz Quartet.


At the Church of San Giacomo di Pontestura, at 6 pm on Saturday 14th July, the Concert of Saint James will be held, curated by Laus Concentus who will propose "Between East and West", music and spirituality on the pilgrims' path.


In Moncalvo the exhibition of Chen Li is opened at the Civic Museum (in July and August open from 10 am to 7 pm on Saturday and Sunday and from 3 pm to 7 pm on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays).


Dance enthusiasts can follow the performances of the Vignale Monferrato Festival(last dates in the evenings of Friday 13th, Saturday 14th July and Saturday 21stJuly in Vignale Monferrato, in Piazza del Popolo and Palazzo Callori and on Sunday 15th July in Moncalvo, near Orsolina28).


At the Castle of San GiorgioMonferrato continue the aperitifs on the terrace (on Friday 13th July and on Saturdays, from 6,30 to 10 pm) but also the Visits (on Sunday 15th July, at 5 pm) and the visits with tasting (on Sundays, July 22nd, at 5,30 pm) while on Sunday 15th July it will be possible to visit Villa Larbel di Salabue from 2 to 5 pm, with free access.


Also on Sunday 15th July there will be guided visits to the Po Landscape Interpretation Center at Palazzo Mossi in Frassineto Po with workshops for children (time: 10 am-1 pm and 2,30-6 pm).


In addition, until July 15th, the Beer Festival in Quarti di Pontestura continues with gastronomy and music. In the evening of Tuesday 17th July, open doors at the Astronomical Observatory of Odalengo Piccolo.


In Villamiroglio will take place "Al di 'dla festa", a summer party on 21st and 22nd July, with food, entertainment and music. 
